Programming Fundamentals

Boolean Operators

Common Boolean Operators

Boolean operators are used to create logical statements and control the flow of a program based on conditions. The three most common Boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT.

AND Operator

  • Definition: Returns true if both operands are true.
  • Practical Use: Used when multiple conditions must be met.
  • Example:
    if condition1 and condition2:
        print("this prints when both conditions are true")

OR Operator

  • Definition: Returns true if at least one of the operands is true.
  • Practical Use: Used when at least one condition needs to be met.
  • Example:
if condition1 or condition2:
    print("this prints if at least one condition is true")

NOT Operator

  • Definition: Returns true if the operand is false, and false if the operand is true.
  • Practical Use: Used to reverse the logical state of its operand.
  • Example:
if not condition:
    print("this will only print if the condition is false")

Boolean operators are fundamental in controlling program flow and making decisions based on multiple conditions.

Three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program